I have learned other new information about what RSS feeds are and how they can really help to use as a technology teacher trying to keep up with all the latest news. By using my new Personal Learning Environment I will have everything at my finger tips without having to continuously search web pages for information. This brings newest information right to my own page so I will not be wasting valuable time. I need to see if this type of incoming information will be available at school or just from home. So much of the Web 2.0 technologies are blocked and not allowed at our school site. The feeds that I chose will help me to understand the current trends in technology use in the classroom from around the world. As I saw in the video on "Networked Students" it really tells how teachers can help students connect through these feeds to things they need for their PLE. The teacher can guide them and help them set things up in their Reader. I had never heard of any of these things before this class and I thought I was up on the latest Technology. Most people do not have any idea of what Google really is in the learning environment.
I found several great sites that I subscribed to and can not wait to find more to reinforce curriculum. I found a NOAA (National Oceanic & Atmosphere) to go with the Earth and Space Science unit we use. Also the National Hurricane Center site. Know this would have been useful the day we were at school and later that day was hit by Hurricane Charley. Did not know of the turn it took! Also several other Technology related sites to keepcurrent with technology lessons, current trends in Technology and an international Technology site to keep up with worldly Technology. Love how it gets updated without you doing it. Where have I been?? Living in nowhere ville too long!!
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