Sunday, November 8, 2009

BL7_2009112_Social Bookmarking

This was quite an interesting assignment to see how many ways social bookmarking could contribute to the learner and the educator.I just completed teaching sixth grade students what research is and how to do it.I did this in conjunction with a science teacher at my school.I never new about any of this until this class with Rena and thankful to not only see how to use it my classroom but to also apply to my learning. Forbes (2204), talked about in her article how she went into a computer lab to see the students with all kinds of yellow post-it notes for doing their computer research.My experience was not quite as bad because they listed all their information on one page.The problems arose with the students not having their research with them at school each day because parents were helping them at home.If I had been able to use "Delicious" in the classroom I could have shared with the librarian and we could have created tags and tag clouds for this project.We could have control of the site to use in the library and classroom and would also be able to refine it as we went through the project.Since we do this project each year we would not have to recreate the project each time.We also could have created a learning community for this project so the students could share and talk about what they have learned.Taught them how to embed hyperlinks into the blogs to share and/or connect them through the the "Delicious" site.There are so many possibilities for classroom use.Watch my commercial I created to promote the use of Web 2.0 technology in the classroom.The articles below had some very interesting ideas to expand on what I wrote.

Forbes, L. (2004). Using web-based bookmarks in K-8 settings: Linking the Internet to Instruction. Reading Teacher, 58(2), 148-153. Retrieved from ERIC database on November 7, 2009.

Oravec, J. (2002). Bookmarking the world: weblog applications in education. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 45(7), 616. Retrieved from Academic Search Premier database on November 8, 2009.

Tagging & social bookmarking (2007). Library Technology Reports, 43(5), 58-61. Retrieved from Academic Search Premier database on November 8, 2009.

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